Tuesday 13 September 2011

Through Hazim's eyes : An effort worth applausing

Assalamualaikum WBT

The second day proved to be more productive this time. Al-Hamdulilah. I could see that the students were comfortable to get into discussions with their respective tutors. Earlier, we divided each group of eight students to two; meaning that each group will have a tutor and 4 students in it. I thought it was a really great idea because a smaller group would mean a more intimate relationship between the students and the tutor. And it seemed to work.

We did an activity called Lyrics Study. The students were given two lyrics that have similar theme. The first one was Miley Cyrus' The Climb and the second one was This Is Me by Demi Lovato. The students were required to discuss within their respective teams on their personal opinions and how they really feel about the songs.

Interestingly, not many of the students could relate their past experiences to the songs even though through the discussion, they did precisely mentioned about the many moral values found in the songs such as not giving up when facing life obstacles and be confident to be themselves. They were somehow reluctant to open up and discuss about their lives. I would say that we have to give them a little bit more time to adjust and feel a little more comfortable to open up. Maybe if the tutors were willing enough to share their stories and experiences first, the students might eventually follow suit.

-Hazim, the Conductor :)

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